Looking to join a Kurzick based allaince
My Name is Gwendolyn Star, i am the acting guild leader of the Death Strikers, the current guild leader is taking a little time off form the guild leader role, to spend time with wife and newborn baby, so he has passed the guild leadership to me on a temporary basis, of 4 - 6 months, so i am currently making all the desicions, we are an old guild, formed a week after prophesies came out, with have 70 + members, mostly a laid back guild, we mostly do PVE, some AB, curently have a few members doing HFFF(faction farming ) in lugardis, we are currentl looking to join a laid back allaince, that doesn't pressure it guilds on mandatory factions requirements, we currently hild 1.2 million kurzick, factions, we have a full decked out all, many experienced players and hight lvl title holders, if you are interested in having us join your allaince, feel free to PM me in game, usually on after 5 Pm eastern standard time. my ingame name is "Gwendolyn Star"
PS. feel free to leave any comments posted here on this forum.!!!